Quick Spin – ’70 Alfa Romeo Giulia Super 1.6 Biscione

One tries not to fall into stereotype. To not spin about the lamp post, “Bellissima!” ringing from your lungs. One tries to avoid gesticulating unnecessarily, working your shoulders in such a way that prompts others to ask if you need to stretch. One tries not laugh in the same way that leads you to cry from the joy of the moment. Or to not fill one’s lungs only to sigh the blissful exhalation of overflowing contentment.

One tries.

28937588646_fba3ef4342_b Continue reading “Quick Spin – ’70 Alfa Romeo Giulia Super 1.6 Biscione”

A View to a Car – ’16 Ford Mustang GT350

Growing up I never had brand allegiances. My taste in cars changed with the season, and without any justification beyond the automotive ADD that follows my ownership habits to this day.

Image Courtesy: Autoblog.com

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A History of Vehicles – ’92 Mazda Miata

Back to basics.

At least, that was the idea. After being so put off by the idea of having to strip my last Miata down just to rebuild it into what I wanted, I decided it was time to try something a little different. This would be my fourth NA Miata, but my first example powered by the 1.6L B6ZE.


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Quick Spin – Porsche Cayman GT4

It sounds so fantastical, it may as well have been a day dream.

One of those things that almost never happens.

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A History of Vehicles – ’97 Mazda Miata

Somehow we’re at Car 11 and I’ve yet to offer any advice. Of course, that we’re only at Car 11 with no end in sight means I should be asking for it rather than doling it out. But the following advice would have prevented a couple of gaffes for me and may safeguard your sanity, pocketbook, or marriage in the future: Never Buy a Modified Car.


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Engagement Point

The aural pleasure of a pinned throttle ebbs as you look through the next turn. Just past the hero point you prod the brakes, bringing weight onto the nose and shifting grip for that rotation drivers live for. Deftly, your foot rolls to blip the throttle while the other simultaneously disengages the driveline from the motor. One hand leaves the wheel, pulling the gear lever from third to second as tho…



You rushed it into gear. What, you don’t like your synchros? Cause they sure don’t like you right now. It’s ok. Slow it down, take a breath, and we’ll try again in the next corner…


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A View to a Car – Mark Higgins @ 2016 Isle of Man TT

If you’re reading this blog at all, you’re probably into cars. Which means you’ll likely have played and remember racing games like Need For Speed: Underground or the early renditions of the Burnout series.

Photo Courtesy: Electronic Arts

Enough Suspension of Disbelief allowed you to enjoy the ridiculousness of blur motion graphics, and the seeming ease of holding a triple-digit-speed drift through a city block. For some though, such fantasy isn’t necessary.

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A History of Vehicles – ’89 BMW 325i

Finally, my fourth E30 but now my first 325i. Up until this point my E30s had been of the high-torque but low-revving “e” or “eta” version. Another late-night Craigslist session brought me upon this car. It was posted locally, had a ton of miles, and a couple choice modifications.

IMG_1128 Continue reading “A History of Vehicles – ’89 BMW 325i”