A History of Vehicles – Introduction

I’ve been through…a few cars.


It’s hard to say that in person because it sounds like bragging, but my ownership history can be more attributed to my love for all cars as opposed to my desire for acquisition.

Someone once asked me to list my dream cars. At that point, my taste hadn’t developed all that much but I cut the list off at seventy-something vehicles because I realized I just wanted to drive everything.


They say variety is the spice of life, and so it is with my vehicular desires. I’ve yet to narrow down the one car I want to own because I’ve yet to drive everything I have an interest in, so the next best thing I can do is buy anything I can afford that speaks to me.

I say “best thing” in the loosest way possible. I’ve made some questionable purchases, and probably have quite a few left to go before I wise up. This series, A History of Vehicles, will cover everything I’ve owned up to current, along with a couple honorable mentions of cars I’ve more than sat in but less than owned.

Stay tuned!

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